Why Ayurveda Works

Discover the ancient healing wisdom of Ayurveda to balance your mind, body, and spirit.

Ayurveda can help with:


The purpose of any Ayurvedic detox is to rid your body of ama, or toxins. Simply put, ama is the byproduct of incomplete digestion. Sticky, white, and foul-smelling, it forms in the digestive tract when the food you eat is not digested properly. Left unchecked, it can travel from your digestive tract to a weak area elsewhere in the body and settle there. Usually it blocks the shrotas (microcirculatory channels) and disrupts the flow of nutrients to the area, as well as the body's natural waste removal systems

Stress Management

A lifestyle based in harmony is a stress–free lifestyle. Ayurveda applies its principles to both the mind and the body. Though the practices of meditation and yoga, Ayurveda helps a person expand their perception of themselves and how they relate to the world around them. While so many people are plagued with fear, anger, anxiety, and depression, Ayurveda helps people to come to the realization that life can be and is beautiful!


Ayurveda understands that our digestive system and its ability to metabolize various foods (called as agni in Sanskrit) is a key factor necessary for not just tissue nourishment and repair but also supporting a strong immune system. The process of the digestive fire acting upon food leading to the formation of nutrients and subsequent building up of body tissues helps us understand that the end product of proper digestion is to develop strong resistance to illness and faster tissue repair. Hence any chronic illness with associated digestive symptoms cannot be effectively treated without addressing the digestive system first.

"All disease starts in the Gut" - Hypocrates-

Finding the right diet is crucial. Unhealthy fatty foods, can coat your intestinal wall and can result in less food being absorbed into your system, so cells are provided with less energy, leaving you feeling fatigued. Ayurveda believes strongly that the strength of your digestive fire makes all the difference in how well you are able to convert food into energy.

How much does it cost?

Initial Ayurvedic Assesment: 1:30 minutes $175.00

Follow up visits: 1 hour $118.00

Private Yoga Classes (1:15 minutes): Please call for prices.

Personalize Sound Healing Therapy one on one (45 minutes): Please contact me for a personalized quote or prices per session/package.

Please visit our Blog here for more information about what to expect in a visit.

Weight loss

Weight management in Ayurveda is a part of a larger goal of disease prevention and management. Ayurveda takes a holistic, sustainable and most importantly, individualized approach. For example, fasting for a short duration may be recommended for some individuals or could be contraindicated in some, even though they may both be overweight. A comprehensive Ayurvedic consultation factors in a person’s state of health, genetic and social history, emotional and mental wellbeing, current imbalances and lifestyle. It addresses the root cause of weight gain and allied conditions, and recommends a combination of short term and long term changes in diet and lifestyle. This is Ayurveda’s edge in helping people lose weight and keep it off.

Empowering Health Through Ancient Wisdom

Discover the Benefits of Ayurveda with Yoga Priya Ma, a Certified Practitioner and Founder of Academy of Holistic Yoga and Ayurveda in Miami.



Trusted by Many

Expert Care

I have been struggling with stress for years, but after trying Ayurveda and Yoga with Yoga Priya Ma, I feel healthier, more balanced and at peace. She is a great listener and exudes a positive energy that you can feel immediately. I highly recommend it for anyone who has been struggling with health and mental issues.

Miriam G.

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